#6 How to install an R package (basics)
#6 How to install an R package (basics)
· ☕ 3 min read
Finding and installing the desired package is priceless. But how do you install a package? It is not so simple when install.packages () is not enough. In this article I want to share the main methods of installing packages starting from the simplest.

#5: 8 Tips for a production-ready Shiny Application
#5: 8 Tips for a production-ready Shiny Application
· ☕ 9 min read
A production-ready application is not a simple application. It is necessary to have a clear idea of what the issues of release, reproducibility, and maintenance are, in order to implement strategies ahead of time to be able to effectively manage these issues. Otherwise you can encounter the loss of the overview, accidental errors and difficulties in the analysis of existing problems.

#3 Web R platform with HTTPS (How-to)
#3 Web R platform with HTTPS (How-to)
· ☕ 9 min read
Providing Shiny Applications, RStudio Server, API and other web applications under a single HTTPS web address is possible with Open Source software. This how-to explains how to install Apache HTTP Server from scratch, create a self-signed SSL certificate, provide access to Shiny, RStudio, Plumber via HTTPS, and suggests some security measures to take.

#2 What is HTTPS e why is it important?
#2 What is HTTPS e why is it important?
· ☕ 7 min read
No HTTPS, no security. It is a fact that data, credentials and all other sensitive information are at risk; this leads to legal issues as well as user trust issues. There are completely Open Source solutions for Shiny Server, RStudio Server and Plumber. In this article I describe the reasons why this is not an option, but an obligatory choice, the basics of operation, a reasonable analysis of the pros and cons of adopting this solution in terms of security, legality and performance.

#1 "R in Production"
· ☕ 5 min read
"R in Production " is a blog that talks about Security, Automation, Scalability in the R environment. Furthermore, Software Engineering teaches us proven methodologies to bring a prototype into production and to facilitate the work process in all its aspects. (Click on the title to read more ...)